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Are you are ready to recreate your life and BE your authentic Self?

Design and customize an action plan to realize your goals and dreams, and achieve the dynamic results you seek.


The Reinvention Project can help you release subconscious habits and create the life you want. Empower yourself and get your life back on track!

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”


—Oscar Wilde

The Reinvention Project

is a proven step-by-step systematic approach that provides tools, support and a profound strategy to help you move through a total transformation with grace and ease.

It takes courage to face fears and old self-limiting behavior patterns —the Reinvention Project can help you release that old “programming."

Claim Your Power


Transform Yourself!

Contact Peggy now for a free dream consultation!

(Value $100)


Claim Your Power And Transform Yourself!


Shine your light brightly in the world and manifest the best possible version of yourself using tools that will serve you the rest of your life. 

Peggy Bartlett Life Coach


The Reinvention Project

Contact me now to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

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Schedule a complimentary breakthrough strategy session!

During this call, we will discuss your current situation, the results you want to get, and your level of commitment. Then we will design a customized program that matches your specific goals.


In the breakthrough strategy session, we will:

  • Clarify your goals, where you’re headed, and what you need to do to succeed


  • Discover your hidden challenges


  • Uncover ways you may be sabotaging your own progress towards making positive lasting changes


  • Create a strategy for success to break through self-limitation

  • Leave the session with a crystal clear action plan for activating your true power to create your ideal life


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